All training programs may be purchased individually or bundled together.

Contact us for customized solutions.

(CLEET certified)

Understand the HISPANIC and 1st Generation Hispanic American Culture. Gain insight on how culture impacts everyday interactions with Law Enforcement agencies and Service Providers . Obtain an appreciation of the immediate challenges faced by the Hispanic community through in-depth competency training.

Also Available: professional development training dedicated to support Educators (learn more).

The U.S. population continues to grow every year and the demographics are evolving faster than most police departments and community service providers can adjust.The 2000 U.S. census projects that by 2050 Hispanics will take the majority in the U.S. at 132.8 million representing 30.2% (greater than ¼) of total population.

How do agencies and providers alike prepare to patrol and serve this demographic without cultural understanding? This question is imperative to answer.

Our Solution

The Hispanic Culture Competency Training was developed in response to and in anticipation of the growing need. The intent is to expose the student to information and provide tools that will allow them to better protect and serve all people regardless of demographics. Exposure to a foreign culture provides adult learners with knowledge that could save lives and build bridges. Thereby avoiding situations where misunderstanding can result in unnecessary violence and/or lawsuits.

Some of the Topics covered for:

Law Enforcement in-service Training

• How to protect and serve a silent community
• Understand the Immigrant and First-Generation Hispanic American Culture
• Hispanic Perception on Local Law Enforcement

And many more…..

Professional Development Training (Service Providers & Educators)

• Historical and Current Demographics for Hispanics
• Issues Faced by the Hispanic Community
• Issues Faced by the Hispanic Youth
• How to better support Immigrant and First generation Hispanics

And many more…


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” - George Santayana


“Learning another language will make your job easier, your life better and the world smaller.” - Gen. George Patton

(CLEET certified)

Learn, practice, and recall easy Survival (LE) Spanish phrases, in a short amount of time, to command and control. Minimize the possibility of miscommunication and escalation in a difficult exchange.

(This program is available for purchase for the benefit of the individual officer or the Agency)

With budget shortfalls and low manning levels across America, departments are not able to pull their officers from the field in order to teach them a foreign language. How are law enforcement agencies organizing to patrol the burgeoning immigrant communities – specifically the Hispanic demographic where many only speak Spanish or limited English? ( U.S. census 2000 projects that in 2050 Hispanics will take the majority in the U.S. at 132.8 million representing 30.2% of total population.)

~without a common language it becomes challenging to serve and protect all communities~

Our Solution

The officer will be able, in a short amount of time, to learn, practice, and recall easy Survival (LE) Spanish Phrases to command and control. Officers are able to quickly learn these phrases while on duty patrolling their area. It provides them with the invaluable tool of communicating in a foreign language; minimizing the possibility of miscommunication and of escalation in a difficult exchange:

 All of the phrases are ‘close-ended responses.’ They require a response or action from the engaged individual; promoting overall increased safety.

 This is not a Conversational Spanish or a Basic Spanish class. It’s purely for SURVIVAL purposes.

(CLEET certified)

Develop a strategic plan to expand outreach services to your Hispanic community, address your agency’s diversity needs and improve services to individuals with limited English proficiency.

For Law Enforcement agencies there is the added benefit of increasing officer and civilian safety, boosting crime reporting and decreasing the possibility of lawsuits; with the advantage of building strong relational bridges.

Across the nation, agencies describe serving a “silent Hispanic community” as one of the greatest challenges for them. To increase their ability to protect and serve effectively they must seek and obtain the cooperation of those they serve. Ultimately, to build cooperation there must be mutual trust and understanding.

Most agencies combat the minority crisis by simply adding demographic appropriate headcount which is expensive and can take years versus understanding the root cause of the dysfunction. Our research shows that the on this emerging population is the Not having a strategic plan, at a minimum, will maintain the status quo and continue officer and community frustration.

Our Solution

This nationally recognized and proven program provides agencies with the tools necessary to build trust between themselves and at-risk Hispanic groups. Our strategies demonstrate the ease at which a tested and successful outreach program can be implemented and affect real, positive change.

By utilizing our approach, a strategic outreach program can be executed by one or several, depending on the resources at the time of deployment. The cost of establishing an outreach program is minimal and requires only the redeployment of existing personnel and the development of a formal strategic plan.


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little .” - Edmund Burke